
What’s Happening in April!

What’s Happening in April!

What's Happening in April!

April 4th, 2023
10:30am-11:30am via Zoom
As a School Age educator, how are you fostering social and emotional learning and creating connections in your program? How do you share your calm with the children? How do you support children who are experiencing trauma in their lives?
Let’s talk about it! Join this interactive learning community and meet others who are working with School Age children in licensed childcare settings.
Facilitated by: Lisa Loblaw
April 11, 2023
7:00pm-8:00pm via Zoom
Welcome to an interactive session for the all–age groups of child care professionals. Whether you are currently working in a licensed care setting, studying, volunteering or simply curious about it, join the group for an informal discussion including how you incorporate the foundations of How Does Learning Happen? What are the components that make a program a successful one? What challenges have you encountered or overcome? What are you most proud of in your role with the age group you are supporting?
Facilitated by: Quality First Consultant
April 18,2023
THRC Boardroom
The Halton Resource Connection
410 Bronte Street South, Milton
As a preschool educator, how are you promoting curiosity and inquiry in your classroom? How do you support and encourage curiosity? Come join other Preschool Educators to share ideas, discuss experiences and network together.
Facilitated by: Denise MacDougal
April 12, 2023
6:30pm-8:00pm via Zoom
This session is an introduction to understanding children’s anxiety
and how it may present itself.
ROCK Facilitators will offer strategies on ways in building resilience and reducing stress and anxiety for children. Educators will be introduced to some basic coping strategies appropriate to manage stress and anxious behaviors in the classroom.
Facilitated by: Lindsay Chaisson &
Sydney Porch, ROCK
April 13, 2023
6:30pm-7:45pm via Zoom
Jo Chrona and Monique Gray Smith will be facilitating a series of sessions with curious, compassionate and hopeful conversations that explore Indigenous education. This session will reflect emerging needs and questions coming out the first three sessions, as well as the changing landscape of education and our world.
Facilitated by: Jo Chrona &
Monique Gray Smith
April 13, 2023
The Halton Resource Connection
410 Bronte Street South, Milton
THRC Boardroom
What happens when children’s natural curiosity is engaged? What sparks play and leads to development in all domains?
Take a closer look at how this comes together through invitation and provocation. Participants will have an opportunity to share photos.
Facilitated by Lisa Loblaw & Geethmi Premaratne
Meetings are a place to give and get information, to solve problems, and resolve conflicts. In this workshop, learn how to hold effective meetings, learn how to build strategic agendas, and appreciate the role of bylaws and policies as part of holding productive and compliant meetings.
Facilitated by: Heather Elaine Johnson, Volunteer Halton
April 25 & 26,2023
The Halton Resource Connection
410 Bronte Street South, Milton
THRC Boardroom
ASIST is a 2-day, in-person training program helping individuals feel more comfortable, confident, and competent in learning how to intervene to prevent the immediate risk of suicide. ASIST is intensive, interactive and practice-dominated; designed to help caregivers recognize risk.
Facilitated by: Tammy Whelen