Upcoming Indigenous Reconciliation Learning Events

Indigenous Reconciliation Banner with Halton Kids (Our Kids Network) Logo

Join Our Kids Network for two Indigenous
Reconciliation Learning Events
EVENT 1: Land Acknowledgements: Getting beyond the “in one breath” acknowledgement Workshop – June 10th
Does the thought of conducting a land acknowledgement fill you with fear and dread? Are you unsure of what to include in a land acknowledgement? Can I just read what is on the plaque in the lobby? Aren’t the Indigenous employees supposed to do them? If these questions have crossed your mind, relax, you are not alone.
This informative workshop will provide you with practical information, so you have the confidence to put up your hand at your next meeting and volunteer to do the land acknowledgement. OKN’s Indigenous strategy manager Angela Bellegarde will help you identify elements of land acknowledgements, and direct you to resources. The relaxed and safe atmosphere will allow you to ask questions and if time permits, try your hand at writing and practicing your very own land acknowledgement.
Mark your calendars and register now!
Friday June 10, 2022
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
EVENT 2: The Treaties of Halton: the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Perspective Webinar – June 16th
Peace and Friendship Treaties, Land Surrender Treaties, Numbered Treaties? Canada’s treaty making process with First Nations people is fascinating and complex. Sacred covenants to First Nations but land deals in the eyes of the Queen’s representatives. It is incumbent upon all of us to understand the Truth of this country’s history.
Join Darin Wybenga, Traditional Knowledge and Land Use Coordinator of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. This insightful webinar will provide learners with robust historical information about the treaties of Halton from the Mississaugas of the Credit perspective. Darin is a gifted educator and historian. Participants will walk away armed with new and important information.
Mark your calendars and register now!
 Thursday June 16, 2022
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.