From Our Kids Network
Learn the Truth and then take Action!
June is National Indigenous History Month, a time to revel in the rich and diverse history of Indigenous people of this land. June is the month that Indigenous people and organizations across Canada share celebrations and culture; sharing is a value we hold dear. Our Kids Network Indigenous Reconciliation Strategy will host events and share what others are doing so you have the opportunity to learn more and do more to make Canada a better place for all.
Challenge yourself to learn the Truth about Canada and its treatment of Indigenous people.

Curated and Credible
The plethora of information available on Indigenous matters can be intimidating. Our Kids Network’s Indigenous Literacy webpages have numerous resources to help you learn the truth. From books and websites for children and youth to how to develop your own Land Acknowledgement, the Indigenous Reconciliation Strategy has spent many hours to ensure you have access to credible information. Bookmark the page and return frequently for updates.
Professional Learning Sessions
4 Seasons of Reconciliation Education Course
As part of OKN's Indigenous Reconciliation Strategy, this professional development e-learning opportunity is available to all partners and members of Our Kids Network.
REGISTER NOW and be part of the largest Indigenous education learning opportunity Halton has ever seen!
Talking Circles
June 14, 2022
from 11:30AM - 12:30PM
Talking Circles will be a mix of focused conversations about how we implement the spirit of reconciliation; addressing myths and misconceptions; activities and resources for young children.
Join Karen Marshall, MCRC’s Indigenous Reconciliation Facilitator and Consultant.