
Winter Recharge

Winter Recharge

Winter Recharge  February 22, 2020
9:00am – 3:00pm

THRC Welcomes Diane Kashin!  Blocks, Blocks and More Blocks!

This full day workshop will showcase the indoor and outdoor environment as the third teacher, featuring blocks, blocks and more blocks! We will marvel in and with the affordances of many types of blocks, accessories and loose parts and how they provoke and support playful learning in all domains and curriculum areas. This highly interactive and informative session will invite you to think about blocks from a historical and theoretical perspective. It will highlight why blocks should still be an integral component in all early learning programs and classrooms today. From a practical perspective you will learn about the role of the teacher, stages of block play and more! Come prepared to play and learn!

View full event brochure below

Milton Bible Church (formerly Teatro Conference Centre)
121 Chisholm Drive, Milton, Ontario
THRC Member: $85
Non-Member: $95
register below
Registration Deadline  extended to
February 12, 2020

To view THRC’s non refund process please click here


Bookings are closed for this event.
