
SESSION CANCELLED: Supervisors Session (formerly Supervisors’ Connection): unlearn Critical Thinking by Design

SESSION CANCELLED: Supervisors Session (formerly Supervisors’ Connection): unlearn Critical Thinking by Design

SESSION CANCELLED: Supervisors Session (formerly Supervisors’ Connection): unlearn – Critical Thinking by Design  March 24, 2020
Inspired by the Socratic philosophy, “I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.”, this professional learning session will challenge participants to think critically about bias, stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. Participants will be lead through experiential activities designed to raise critical consciousness and highlight the bias we all have to better understand how we can use this awareness to create a safe, caring and inclusive environment promoting dignity and respect for all.

If this session is full email [email protected] to be added to a waitlist.

Queen Elizabeth Park and Community Cultural Centre
2302 Bridge Road, Oakville
Rehearsal HallFacilitated by: Abhi Ahluwalia, Founder, unlearn. & Lakhdeep Dhaliwal, V.P. Equity Education, unlearn.
THRC Member: $25
Non-Member: $35
Registration Deadline: 
March 17, 2020

To view THRC’s non refund process please click here


Bookings are closed for this event.