
School Age Educator Drop In – February Fun

School Age Educator Drop In – February Fun

School Age Educator Drop In – February Fun February 7, 2020
10:00am – 1:00pm
Are you an educator working with school age children? Are you looking for new ideas or resources to incorporate in your program? Come by THRC for the opportunity to explore displays, and new resources.

Join us for one or both professional learning opportunities facilitated by ROCK. Participants are welcome to bring their lunch to eat during the session.

Redefining Labels – For educators interested in broadening their   understanding of a child beyond their “label”. Participants will look at reframing a child’sbehaviour by using a strength-based approach and redefining how diagnostic labels can support a child.

Introduction to Circle of Security – An introduction to “the Circle of Security” to begin to explore the “secure base” for children and their innate need for  connection. This brief introduction to Circle of Security focuses on increasing  self-esteem and establishing a secure base with Caregiver.

The Halton Resource Connection
410 Bronte Street South, Milton
Tiffany Room
No Cost
Registration Deadline for professional learning sessions: 
February 4, 2020

To view THRC’s non refund process please click here


This event is fully booked.