
SESSION CANCELLED: Reflective Practice: Session One, Session Two (in program) & Session Three

SESSION CANCELLED: Reflective Practice: Session One, Session Two (in program) & Session Three

SESSION CANCELLED: Reflective Practice: Session One, Session Two (in program) & Session Three  March 31, 2020 & April 24, 2020
6:00pm – 8:00pm
Reflective practice is essential to professionalism in early childhood education. As individuals, it is a necessary means to grow, develop, refine, and evaluate what we do in our work with children and families. Becoming a “reflective practitioner” is a personal and professional journey of developing knowledge, awareness, and skills.

In session one, you will

  • Enhance your awareness of your reflection journey
  • Why reflection is important
  • Explore the learning through experience cycle

In session two, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on an event that is meaningful to them.  This is done at your own centre.

Session three, participants will

  • Come back together to further explore their findings of their personal reflections and share with the group
  • Discover what Critical Thinking means to your practice and traits of a critical thinker

Participants are required to attend both session dates.

If this session is full email to be added to a waitlist.

*Please note there was an error in the printed publication with an incorrect date.

Session One: March 31, 2020
WebinarTM – You will be emailed the webinar link one week prior to the March 31st session dateSession Three: April 24, 2020
The Halton Resource Connection
Tiffany Room
Quality First Participant: No Cost
Community Member: $10
Registration Deadline:
March 24, 2020

To view THRC’s non refund process please click here


Bookings are closed for this event.
