
“More Than Words” – Defining the Things that Define You

“More Than Words” – Defining the Things that Define You


“More Than Words” – Defining the Things that Define You June 1,  2023
THRC has partnered with Drew, an internationally acclaimed Leadership Speaker and Wall Street Jour best-selling author.
He is called one of the most inspirational TED Talk speakers in the world.



“I deserve good things.”
Could you say that phrase looking into a mirror and mean it? Most people struggle when they try. This interactive session will show you how to win that struggle—how to actually do things each day you can’t deny are making a positive impact.
Drew Dudley will guide you through a real examination of the values you’re using to make decisions, and more importantly, the values you are using to evaluate yourself and others.


“We don’t hesitate to judge ourselves when we feel we’ve come up short, but this session will teach you to give yourself credit when it’s deserved as well.
This session will provide you a better understanding of how you want to matter each day, but more importantly, with tools that will help you exceed even your own expectations for impact.”
                                                                                                 – Drew Dudley
This session will provide you:
  • How to most effectively use your personal life experiences to help others.
  • A process for making better, more impactful decisions on a regular basis.
  • A behavioural psychology strategy that makes your values “more than words” and helps you prove to yourself how much you can matter each day.
  • An accountability tool you can use to keep yourself on track when life gets frustrating and distracting.


Intended Audience: Licensed Child Care Educators, School-Age Educators, EarlyON Educators, Licensed Home Child Care Providers/Home Visitors, Supervisors, Managers, Support Staff, Owners, Operators, Board of Directors

Location: Cost: Registration Deadline:
Sherwood Community Centre

6355 Main Street West, Milton

Community Room #3


THRC Member: $10


June 1st by 12pm

Click here to view THRC’s No Show/Cancellation Process 


Bookings are closed for this event.
