
Intro to Early Years Mental Health

Intro to Early Years Mental Health

Intro to Early Years Mental Health September 28, 2022
This session is an introduction to understanding children’s anxiety and how it may present itself.
ROCK Early Years Facilitators will offer strategies on ways in building resilience and reducing stress and anxiety for children.
Educators will be introduced to some basic coping strategies appropriate to manage stress and anxious behaviours in the classroom.


If this session is full, e-mail [email protected] to be put on the waitlist.

the following technology is required to participate in these interactive virtual sessions: Camera and Microphone

Zoom Meeting
No Cost
Registration Deadline:
September 27, 2022 

You will receive a ZOOM link from [email protected], on the day of the event.

To view THRC’s non refund process please click here


This event is fully booked.