
Critical Thinking by Design

Critical Thinking by Design

Critical Thinking by Design September 23, 2021

1:00pm – 2:30pm

All children have the right to equitable learning opportunities that help them achieve their full potential as engaged learners and valued members of society. Thus, all early childhood educators have a professional obligation to advance equity.”  – National Association for the Education of Young Children 

This professional learning session is designed to challenge participants to think critically about bias, stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. You will be guided through experiential activities designed to raise equity consciousness and highlight the bias we all have and to better understand how we can use this awareness to create a safe, caring and inclusive environment promoting dignity and respect for all. You will have the opportunity to experience unlearn and explore what furthering the equity conversation in Halton looks and feels like.

Our time together will begin by creating a brave space for ourselves and others to engage in courageous conversations. In doing so, we are accepting that these conversations may not be comfortable, but that is not only acceptable, it’s necessary. We need to lean into our discomfort so that we can gain a deeper awareness about the attitudes and beliefs we hold, whether conscious or unconscious, so that we can come into a new understanding. The session will culminate with ideas and strategies on how to put action behind our unlearnings to continue to advance equity to better serve all children and families.

Look for more information about unlearn
We are pleased to support this session and offer at no cost to you.

the following technology is required to participate in these interactive virtual sessions: Camera and Microphone

Online via Zoom
No cost

You will receive a  link prior to the session.



Bookings are closed for this event.