Talking Circles

Talking Circles will be a mix of focused conversations about how we implement the spirit of reconciliation; addressing myths and misconceptions; activities and resources for young children. Karen Marshall worked across Canada learning about and receiving teachings from many Indigenous…

Summer Hours

The Halton Connection’s Resource Library will be closed on Saturdays effective July 1st, 2023 and re-open on August 26, 2023. Our hours will remain the same from Tuesday to Thursday during summer months. Have a great Summer!!
At THRC we are grateful for the dedication and commitment of our Educators in Halton.  We appreciate you and the work you do! Thank you for making a difference every day!  
JULY 20, 2022 from 6:30pm-8:00pm What is risky play? Why is it important? How can you support risky play experiences with the children? Join other Early Learning and Child Care Educators to explore these questions and more as we share…
RESOURCES FOR LEADERS FREE WEBINAR!- Workplace Accommodations: Now and in the Future July 19, 2022 @ 2pm EDT Effective workplace accommodation can foster inclusion by delivering on the right to fair and equal access to work. Navigate accommodation with an…

What’s Happening in July

MINDFULNESS: THE CONNECTION BETWEEN GRATITUDE, JOY AND LIVING WELL July 7, 2022 from 7:00PM – 8:00PM Join Kristeen Sopeju as she takes you on a meditation journey. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER  ____________________________________________________________________________ LEARNING COMMUNITY FOR EDUCATORS All, Infant/Toddler, Preschool, School…